User story example
Wholesale customers created with ‘on-hold’ account status
Card Description
Wholesale customers created in D365 CE will initially have their account status placed ‘on hold’ to disallow any credit transactions before they have their account credit checked and approved
AS A finance manager
I WANT new wholesale customers to begin with their account status 'oh hold'
SO THAT no credit transactions are processed on their account until their account credit checked,approved and taken off hold.
[Any supporting notes/diagrams]
- any notes / emails / links for reference
Acceptance Criteria
Simple Acceptance Criteria
- new customer accounts created will have an on hold status
- accounts with on-hold status are not able to make purchases (without up front payment by credit card)
- customers on hold - scrap batteries can still be collected
- regression test suite 5, 39, 43 pass
Specification by Example (for automated tests)
Given a new wholesale customer is created in D365CE
When that record is synced with D365FO
Then the customer record status will be 'On Hold'
Given a new wholesale customer is created in D365CE
When a new purchase order is raised against the customer
Then the request is denied due to the customer being on hold
Given a new wholesale customer is taken off hold
When a new purchase order is raised against the customer
Then the request is accepted
Further information