Spec Flow, Specifications and Chained Commands
A quick experiment with Spec Flow – http://www.specflow.org/
Spec flow feature
Feature: Run Specification rules To stop large postage costs As a user I want to be stopped from buying to much if I am in Australia
@CountryAllowedToProcessOrderWithLargeCost Scenario: Orders of 20 cannot be sent to Australia
Given I have a customer with an order for socks And the order is to be sent to Australia When I process the order Then I should not be able to place the order
Spec flow acceptance test
namespace AcceptanceTests.StepDefinitions { [Binding] public class StepDefinitions { private Customer customer;
private Order order;
private Product product;
private bool orderOk;
[Given(@"I have a customer with an order for socks")]
public void GivenIHaveACustomerWithAnOrderForSocks()
customer = new Customer(){FirstName = "chris", LastName = "mckelt"};
product = new SockProduct() {Id = 1, Name = "AAA", Price = 30};
order = new Order(customer);
\[Given(@"the order is to be sent to Australia")\]
public void GivenTheOrderIsToBeSentToAustralia()
\[Then(@"I should not be able to place the order")\]
public void ThenIShouldNotBeAbleToPlaceTheOrder()
\[When(@"I process the order")\]
public void WhenIProcessTheOrder()
orderOk = order.CanBecome(new OrderConfirmed());
The state change from ‘order placed’ to ‘order confirmed’ is not allowed due to 2 specifications
public ISpecification<Order> CreateCanBecomeSpecification(IOrderState newState)
ISpecification<Order> spec = new CustomerNameCannotBeEmptySpecification();
spec = spec.And(new ShippingToAustraliaWithPriceOver20NotAllowedSpecification());
return spec;
# Use Linq
Update from the future - use LINQ!