using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Text;
namespace TestHelpers
public static class RandomHelper
/* This method can be used to fill all public properties of an object with random values depending on their type. CAUTION: it does not fill attributes that end with 'ID' or attributes which are called 'pk'. They have to be filled manually.*/
private static readonly Random randomSeed = new Random();
/* Generates a random string with the given length*/
public static T FillPropertiesWithRandomValues<T>(bool fillBaseObjects)
return CreateItem<T>(true);
public static T FillPropertiesWithRandomValues<T>()
return CreateItem<T>(false);
private static T CreateItem<T>(bool fillBaseObjects)
Type type = typeof (T);
var item = (T) Activator.CreateInstance(typeof (T));
while (type != null)
PropertyInfo[] infos =
type.GetProperties(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly);
if (infos.Length == 0)
if (item.GetType().BaseType != null)
infos =
item.GetType().BaseType.GetProperties(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance |
foreach (PropertyInfo info in infos)
Type infoType = info.PropertyType;
Type nullableType = null;
if (infoType.IsGenericType && infoType.GetGenericTypeDefinition().Equals(typeof (Nullable<>)))
nullableType = ExtractTypeFromNullable(infoType);
if (!info.CanWrite) continue;
if (infoType.Equals(typeof (DateTime)) || infoType.Equals(typeof (DateTime?)))
info.SetValue(item, RandomDateTime(DateTime.Now, new DateTime(3000, 01, 01)), null);
else if (infoType.Equals(typeof (string)))
info.SetValue(item, info.Name + "_" + RandomString(20, false), null);
else if ((infoType.Equals(typeof (long)) || infoType.Equals(typeof (double)) ||
infoType.Equals(typeof (int)) || infoType.Equals(typeof (long)) ||
infoType.Equals(typeof (int))) && !info.Name.ToLower().EndsWith("id") &&
info.SetValue(item, RandomNumber(0, 999999), null);
else if ((infoType.Equals(typeof (long?)) || infoType.Equals(typeof (double?)) ||
infoType.Equals(typeof (int?)) || infoType.Equals(typeof (long?)) ||
infoType.Equals(typeof (int?))) && !info.Name.ToLower().EndsWith("id") &&
Type genericType = info.PropertyType.GetGenericArguments()[0];
info.SetValue(item, Convert.ChangeType(RandomNumber(0, 999999), genericType), null);
else if (infoType.Equals(typeof (decimal)))
info.SetValue(item, 1m, null);
else if (infoType.Equals(typeof (bool)))
info.SetValue(item, true, null);
else if (infoType.Equals(typeof (Guid)))
info.SetValue(item, Guid.NewGuid(), null);
else if (infoType.Equals(typeof (Enum)))
Array values = Enum.GetValues(infoType);
List<object> list = values.Cast<object>().ToList();
object val = list[new Random().Next(0, list.Count)];
info.SetValue(item, val, null);
else if (((infoType.BaseType != null) && (infoType.BaseType.Equals(typeof (Enum)))))
Array values = Enum.GetValues(infoType);
List<object> list = values.Cast<object>().ToList();
object val = list[new Random().Next(0, list.Count)];
info.SetValue(item, val, null);
else if (nullableType != null)
if (nullableType.BaseType.Equals(typeof (Enum)))
Array values = Enum.GetValues(nullableType);
List<object> list = values.Cast<object>().ToList();
object val = list[new Random().Next(0, list.Count)];
info.SetValue(item, val, null);
else if (infoType.IsArray)
Console.WriteLine("Object contains array of objects need to fill these");
MethodInfo sm = info.GetSetMethod(true);
if (sm.ReturnType.IsArray)
object arrayObject = sm.Invoke(item, null);
foreach (object element in (Array) arrayObject)
foreach (PropertyInfo arrayObjPinfo in element.GetType().GetProperties())
Console.WriteLine(arrayObjPinfo.Name + ":" +
arrayObjPinfo.GetGetMethod().Invoke(element, null));
if (!fillBaseObjects)
type = type.BaseType;
return item;
///<summary>Indentify and extracting type from Nullable Type</summary>
public static Type ExtractTypeFromNullable(Type type)
if (type.IsGenericType && type.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof (Nullable<>))
PropertyInfo valueProp = type.GetProperty("Value");
return valueProp.PropertyType;
return null;
public static string RandomString(int size, bool lowerCase)
var randomString = new StringBuilder(size);
/* Ascii start position (65 = A / 97 = a)*/
int start = lowerCase ? 97 : 65;
/* Add random chars*/
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
randomString.Append((char) ((26*randomSeed.NextDouble()) + start));
return randomString.ToString();
public static int RandomNumber(int minimal, int maximal)
return randomSeed.Next(minimal, maximal);
/* Returns a random boolean value*/
public static bool RandomBool()
return randomSeed.NextDouble() > 0.5;
/* Returns a random color*/
public static DateTime RandomDateTime(DateTime min, DateTime max)
if (max <= min)
const string message = "Max must be greater than min.";
throw new ArgumentException(message);
long minTicks = min.Ticks;
long maxTicks = max.Ticks;
double rn = ((Convert.ToDouble(maxTicks) - Convert.ToDouble(minTicks))*randomSeed.NextDouble()) +
return new DateTime(Convert.ToInt64(rn));