How to use DB Deploy
Here is a quick example of how to use DB Deploy
This example uses NANT to run DBDeploy which in turn generates the output.sql file. This is then run against the database causing our changes to be run in and putting an entry in the ChangeLog table to tell you which sql files have been run.
To run this sample
- Download to a location on your computer e.g. C:\Examples\DBDeployExample
- Create a database onyour localhost called DBDeployExample
- In a command prompt (Or PowerShell) use NANT to build the solution –(I have this setup as an environment variable setup and simply type ‘NANT’)
- NANT will build the file and run the database changes
Opening the solution file looks like this
Setup DB Deploy change tables
The ChangeLog table in the database is used by DBDeploy for change management and will look like this:
The file contains a target that actions DBDeploy
<target name=“script.generate” description=“generate a sql upgrade script”>
<call target=“setup.changelogtable”/>
<call target=“setup.builddir”/>
<echo message=“Calling dbdeploy with dbConnection=${connstring}…” />
<dbdeploy dbType=“mssql”dbConnection=”${connstring}” dir=”${script.dir}> outputFile=”${output.file}” undoOutputFile=”${undo.output.file}” />
<echo message=“…finished calling dbdeploy.” />
The output file contains all change files found on the file system that are not contained in the ChangeLog table
The following command runs the output script against the database
<target name=“script.execute”>
<echo message=“Executing script ${script.execute.filename} against database ${}…” />
<exec program=”${sqlcmd}”>
<arg value=”${script.execute.extraparams}” />
<arg value=“-i” />
<arg value=”${script.execute.filename}” />
<arg value=“-d” />
<arg value=”${}” />
<arg value=“-S”/>
<arg value=”${server}” />
<echo message=“…finished executing script.” />
SQL change scripts are executed against the DB & recorded in the DBDeploy table